Having given our "farewell" talks, we are another step closer to actually leaving. We will be flying to Utah next Monday, July 4 to spend a week with friends and family, especially our aging parents before we leave our life behind for 18 months. On July 11, we will enter the Missionary Training Center to learn what to expect and what is expected of us while we serve in South Africa. Not only will we receive a crash course on the cultural norms of South Africa, but we will be immersed in the spirit of missionary work. On Monday, July 18, 2011, we will board a plane for Cape Town, South Africa. We have spent the last 3 months organizing, sorting, transitioning and praying so that we could put our lives on hold until January 2013 in the service of the Lord. So many doors have been opened to us and problems resolved, that we have felt the hand of God in our preparations and WE ARE READY!
It is hard to image leaving these sweet grandchildren behind, but we know that this is what the Lord would have us do and know that he will watch over them while we are gone.
If you wish to send us letters or packages during our mission you can send them to the following address.
Elder Clarke and Sister Luci Fowers
South Africa Cape Town Mission
P.O. Box 181
P.O. Box 181
Cape Town
7935 South Africa
Our email address are:
Sister Luci Fowers: lucille.fowers@myldsmail.net
Elder J. Clarke Fowers: j.fowers@myldsmail.net